Is Gamification only about fun?

Baishnabi Monger
3 min readFeb 10, 2019


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Feb 16, 2017

The Sales Pitch- A board game on the fundamentals of Sales

Perhaps not!

If we categorically eliminate fun from any learning process, what we are left with is a sense of burden, reduced capacity to grasp knowledge, decreasing levels of retention and decelerating motivation.

So, having fun isn’t bad after all. Despite the known positive effects of an enjoyment in the process of learning, it is often dismissed off-hand with most training process. For example, gamification in training processes is often perceived as just fun and not serious learning.

“We want something serious and hard core ”, said a prospective client when offered with a gamified sales training solution.

We have observed that, often, serious learning outcomes and the joy of the learning process is, unfortunately, seen as inherently contradictory. It seems that a lot of people cannot imagine the achievement of serious learning outcomes via a gamified training solution.

Gamified training solution, at its simplest level, means the provision of tools and processes to facilitate training in a manner that is intuitively relatable and which can provide higher engagement and retention levels. The tools can be either a board game or an interactive video (Online and Offline) , whichever is effective and largely fits the context.

Traditional training largely involves subjective reception of knowledge, where one person speaks and the rest listen. Can we reimagine this to a process where learning is inclusive in nature? It is imperative to understand that each participant has a wealth of knowledge and experiences which can enrich the entire group. Thus, a participative process is far more effective in imparting knowledge than a passive receptive one.

JP George says, “One of the biggest reasons that typical company training is not effective is because the employees are not having fun while they are participating. Incorporating gamification within training can make training fun once again. Not only will people learn more when they are having fun, but they will also be more excited about the next round of training that comes through”.

His statement makes a considerable difference and unveils the judgement associated with fun and work. Gamification, therefore, incorporates the elements of game in a non-game context to make learning effective, engaging and highly retentive. With infused gamified processes, trainings will cease to exists as another daunting task rather a stimulation to learn more.

Studies have shown that nearly 70% of employees are disengaged from their work. This projects a great threat to companies that overlook problems concerning their human resources.

In such scenarios, gamification can come to their rescue. Employers can incentivise people to participate in engaging gamified learnings. In return, they can potentially reap the benefits of increased productivity, boosted morale of the employees, deeper employee engagement and higher retention, all in a session of gamified training.

“People gravitate to something they expect to be fun”, says Brigg Pattern in his article How Gamification is changing Employee Training.

According to Forbes, companies such as Delloite and SAP have entered the 5.5 billion dollar industries of gamifying training processes for their employees.

This serves an incentive for the rest of us to adopt gamification as an effective tool to yield better results and solve company problems, of course, while having a little fun!



Baishnabi Monger

I inherently believe in the idea of being ‘for’ something doesn’t imply being ‘against’ another.